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Change We Can Really Believe In
Acts 2:1-11 (Pew Bible page 1692)
1 Word:
People look to improve.
God is interested in change.
Change #1:
What happened to the disciples?
No longer confused.
No longer timid.
Change #2:
What occurred among the people?
Everything changed.
World Needs Changing:
Many do not believe.
Confused, weak, and timid.
Our Problem:
Do not think we need to change.
Become the people God wants us to be!
How Do We Change:
Through reading & preaching.
Combine the Word with baptism.
Combine with spiritual disciplines.
God fans flame into a spiritual inferno.
Next Week: Rev. Bill Kilmer, guest preacher
Church Health Input Session
We need YOU!
No, not Uncle Sam. Your church needs you to be at our Church Health session on Sunday, May 23, at 5 pm. We will have a covered dish meal followed by our input session.
The input session will focus on "What contributes to our church having "Loving relationships" as our lowest rated quality characteristic?"
The below areas and questions will help you think about some contributing factors to our minimum factor of "Loving Relationships."
Affirmation and Encouragement
Does praise and compliments influence the church’s atmosphere?
Openly praise and appreciate contributions?
When and how is public recognition given?
How do we respond to failure?
Atmosphere of Joy and Acceptance
When and how do we experience laughter in church?
What aspects of church is considered fun?
How do we care for people with long-standing life problems?
How accepting are we of those who are different than we are?
Deepening Relationships
What arenas do we encourage people to build relationships?
When and where are people encouraged to share life’s joys and challenges?
How do we help people resolve differences and rebuild healthy relationships?
What training do we have to help people grow in healthy relationships?
Conflict Resolution
Where and when do we give guidance about how to enter a conflict resolution process?
What processes do we have for people to resolve conflict?
When the church faced conflict, what process was used to resolve it?
In recent times, how has the church to face and deal with conflict in a healthy manner?
No, not Uncle Sam. Your church needs you to be at our Church Health session on Sunday, May 23, at 5 pm. We will have a covered dish meal followed by our input session.
The input session will focus on "What contributes to our church having "Loving relationships" as our lowest rated quality characteristic?"
The below areas and questions will help you think about some contributing factors to our minimum factor of "Loving Relationships."
Affirmation and Encouragement
Does praise and compliments influence the church’s atmosphere?
Openly praise and appreciate contributions?
When and how is public recognition given?
How do we respond to failure?
Atmosphere of Joy and Acceptance
When and how do we experience laughter in church?
What aspects of church is considered fun?
How do we care for people with long-standing life problems?
How accepting are we of those who are different than we are?
Deepening Relationships
What arenas do we encourage people to build relationships?
When and where are people encouraged to share life’s joys and challenges?
How do we help people resolve differences and rebuild healthy relationships?
What training do we have to help people grow in healthy relationships?
Conflict Resolution
Where and when do we give guidance about how to enter a conflict resolution process?
What processes do we have for people to resolve conflict?
When the church faced conflict, what process was used to resolve it?
In recent times, how has the church to face and deal with conflict in a healthy manner?
Sermon Notes for May 16, 2010
Click on the title above to download the audio for this sermon.
Light the Fire – Revival of Elijah
1 Kings 18:16-38 (Pew Bible page 556)
The Fire:
Symbol of God’s Presence.
Revival fire from above.
Confront Sin:
Ahab provokes God’s anger.
Where the real problem was.
Experience forgiveness.
Be Committed:
To make a commitment.
Comes to those who commit to God.
Not serve two masters.
Be Converted:
Fell on their knees.
Realized their evil ways.
Flee the wrath to come.
Do You See The Smoke:
See spiritual smoke.
God is a consuming fire.
Divine fire from above in our hearts.
Next Week: Change We Can Really Believe In
Light the Fire – Revival of Elijah
1 Kings 18:16-38 (Pew Bible page 556)
The Fire:
Symbol of God’s Presence.
Revival fire from above.
Confront Sin:
Ahab provokes God’s anger.
Where the real problem was.
Experience forgiveness.
Be Committed:
To make a commitment.
Comes to those who commit to God.
Not serve two masters.
Be Converted:
Fell on their knees.
Realized their evil ways.
Flee the wrath to come.
Do You See The Smoke:
See spiritual smoke.
God is a consuming fire.
Divine fire from above in our hearts.
Next Week: Change We Can Really Believe In
Sermon Notes for May 9, 2010
Click on the title above to download the audio for this sermon.
A Mother’s Day Sermon
Colossians 3:19 (Pew Bible page 1835)
Mystery Of Life:
Miracle of motherhood.
Very commanding.
Be challenged.
Begins with love.
More than feelings.
Enhances the marital relationships.
Desire A Child:
Child is wanted.
Children are precious.
Decision to have a child.
Unique Bond:
Present with faith.
Raising a child in God’s holy way.
Growing Years:
Growing years are important.
Needs increase.
Mothers bring comfort.
Thank You:
Thank you for your love and support!
Memories live on!
“Gonna get there someday!”
Next Week: Light The Fire: Revival of Elijah
A Mother’s Day Sermon
Colossians 3:19 (Pew Bible page 1835)
Mystery Of Life:
Miracle of motherhood.
Very commanding.
Be challenged.
Begins with love.
More than feelings.
Enhances the marital relationships.
Desire A Child:
Child is wanted.
Children are precious.
Decision to have a child.
Unique Bond:
Present with faith.
Raising a child in God’s holy way.
Growing Years:
Growing years are important.
Needs increase.
Mothers bring comfort.
Thank You:
Thank you for your love and support!
Memories live on!
“Gonna get there someday!”
Next Week: Light The Fire: Revival of Elijah
Sermon Notes for May 2, 2010
Click on the title above to download the audio for this sermon.
Light the Fire - The Revival of Samuel
1 Samuel 4–7 (Pew Bible page 424)
Out Of The Box:
Go beyond the ordinary.
Church is stuck in the box.
Learn from Israel’s mistakes.
Relying on the Box:
Focused on personal success.
Speak of “going to church."
Where Has Glory Gone:
This was false hope.
View religion as a fix...
Decide To Live For God:
God lives where God is glorified.
Dead Church = Dead Worship = No Presence.
Revived Church = Revived Worship = Presence of God!
Rely on God
Of Value Or Not:
Religion is effective if…
Where is God in your life today?
How do you glorify God?
What will you do with God’s glory?
Next Week: A Mother’s Day Sermon
Light the Fire - The Revival of Samuel
1 Samuel 4–7 (Pew Bible page 424)
Out Of The Box:
Go beyond the ordinary.
Church is stuck in the box.
Learn from Israel’s mistakes.
Relying on the Box:
Focused on personal success.
Speak of “going to church."
Where Has Glory Gone:
This was false hope.
View religion as a fix...
Decide To Live For God:
God lives where God is glorified.
Dead Church = Dead Worship = No Presence.
Revived Church = Revived Worship = Presence of God!
Rely on God
Of Value Or Not:
Religion is effective if…
Where is God in your life today?
How do you glorify God?
What will you do with God’s glory?
Next Week: A Mother’s Day Sermon
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