
The Wright Notes

What Would It Be Like If…?
We have been receiving members quite frequently lately. During our church conference we removed 27 people from the membership roll. So I have been thinking about our membership over the last week.

What would it be like if all 530 members upheld their membership vows that they took when they joined 1st UMC?

Presence: We would have a full worship center at both Sunday morning worship services.

Prayers: Our ministry power and outreach would be unrivaled as God blesses all of the ministries (current and future).

Gifts: We could minister from a mindset of abundance instead of scarcity. All of the members would be using their spiritual gifts to build up God’s Kingdom here in the region.

Service: We would be serving those in need inside and outside of the church. This would bring more people into our church to become disciples of Christ and to be nurtured by a loving and caring church body.
Witness: Christ would be lifted up everywhere we went. People would flock to see what the Holy Spirit is doing here.

What would it be like, indeed, if we would do these things? It would be a tremendous blessing for God and for us to make this a reality. This would require YOU to be an active member and strive to build up the Body of Christ each day. I am willing...are you?

Your Servant In Christ,
Pastor Rich Wright

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