
Church Health Input Session

We need YOU!

No, not Uncle Sam. Your church needs you to be at our Church Health session on Sunday, May 23, at 5 pm. We will have a covered dish meal followed by our input session.

The input session will focus on "What contributes to our church having "Loving relationships" as our lowest rated quality characteristic?"

The below areas and questions will help you think about some contributing factors to our minimum factor of "Loving Relationships."

Affirmation and Encouragement
Does praise and compliments influence the church’s atmosphere?
Openly praise and appreciate contributions?
When and how is public recognition given?
How do we respond to failure?

Atmosphere of Joy and Acceptance
When and how do we experience laughter in church?
What aspects of church is considered fun?
How do we care for people with long-standing life problems?
How accepting are we of those who are different than we are?

Deepening Relationships
What arenas do we encourage people to build relationships?
When and where are people encouraged to share life’s joys and challenges?
How do we help people resolve differences and rebuild healthy relationships?
What training do we have to help people grow in healthy relationships?

Conflict Resolution
Where and when do we give guidance about how to enter a conflict resolution process?
What processes do we have for people to resolve conflict?
When the church faced conflict, what process was used to resolve it?
In recent times, how has the church to face and deal with conflict in a healthy manner?

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